Time to get away.

There are times that I think back to 2 years ago and miss that life and the person I felt I was. I am a mom now. I have a career that is demanding more of my time than ever before. I am STILL going after my masters. I am trying to balance all of this and be a good wife and friend to my incredible husband. A month ago, the moment came where I felt like I just had to get away. To remember what it felt like to be on a vacation. The moment where I forget all the responsibility and just enjoy the moment I am in. Can I do that anymore?

Parenthood is an Adventure. A post from http://www.upupandaways.com

Even though Hawaii was fantastic earlier this year, I never experienced a carefree moment. It might have been the touch of baby blues or the knowledge that my “real” life was still on the other side of the ocean, waiting for me. I am wondering how to relax within a family vacation. Is it possible to feel the sense of freedom and happiness that we used to know in our little get aways? Perhaps it is because I feel a hyper sensitivity to the world around me when M is around. I feel like we are that family, with the loud child, food thrown around the table and the mom looking disheveled, but should I care? For now, we will be the one with the smiling little girl that captures the attention of everyone that passes her. We will be the one that is picking up food off the floor and pushing the table out of reach of grabby hands. We will be the ones that eat quickly and try to enjoy a full cup of coffee. I think the key is that I have to find the joy in the moments of chaos. Travel is an adventure and so is parenthood.

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1 comment

  1. I have a hard time relaxing on vacations, especially the “adventure” ones. Our Ireland trip was amazing but it was a lot of newness and trying to figure out how to get from point A to point B.

    There’s a lot of pressure to relax on vacation. Does that even make sense? Here’s a set amount of time. Relax, now. It must be so different sharing this with a little one in tote. Just a smidgen more complicated. 😉

    What I’m learning is that I can create moments of relaxed vacationing while I’m … not vacationing. It’s the moments in the morning while I sit at home sipping tea and catching up on reading. Living in the moment. You said it well, “There’s joy in the journey,” even the everyday one.

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